
The Diary of Criscoluv

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to all you Libras!
Chris, Q, KT, Richy, Happy Birthday! May this year bring you happiness and prosperity.
So, I finally finished the crown molding in my place today and I am going to move on to working on my bedroom on Fiday.
I found a bunch of videos posted by this guy on Youtube that I think you all should check out. There are several that are very note worthy that delve into the "conspiracy" behind the WTC on 9/11. It all holds water, more so than any other story/lie that the Government has come up with. Cick here for his site and here for direct access to one of the videos I'm talking about and here for another. Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Evil Monkey and His Fucking Wrench

I'm so fucking sick of the God Damn monkey throwing his wrench into my mechanics. Tomorrow I'm going to crack his scull wide open with a hammer. Then I'm going to skin him and chop him into nice chunks. Anyone want to come over for some monkey stew?
So, in other news, I just signed the last of my papers for my divorce today. It will be another month or so before it is finalized in the courts, but that's all formality in my mind. Well actually I was never really married in my mind. The darn wench changed the vows last second and lied to me through out our "relationship". Well, C U next Tuesday!
Yeah, there is a part of me that is sad and depressed about this whole thing, but the other part recognizes that the moment I met her was just the beginning of my decline and now I'm just past the bottom of the hill on my way back up, but man is this hill fucking huge!
I feel like a leper picking up the pieces and trying to glue them back on. I'm a fucking mess.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I haven't the words
to convey to you
what it is to me to be so far from you
I don't find meaning in you
I don't live for you
I don't exist for you
but, yet,
I long for you.
-"Fuck you and your Untouchable Face"
On the Lighter side of things.
I just finished a meal of Italian sausage and ho-made marinara with a glass of 2001 Modavi Cabernet. It was like silky, spicy, buttery, deep sex that leaves you panting with jaws wide open barely being able to utter the words "That- was- incredible-, baby"
So, yeah. Do I dare go for seconds, or should I save it and savour it tomorrow?
Tomorrow it is. Gotta pace myself here. God DAMN that was good!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sept. 14th
I dreamt up a storm last night. I was on a sunny beach at one point and at another point I was in the back of an SUV with the Marshal twins from high school, neither of which I have even thought of since I last saw Emily in college. I was to slow on the draw in another part to take a picture of something amazing that I can't remember now and at the end I was about to make love to a woman and I woke up. The sad thing about waking up was not that I missed out on "doing the deed", but that it somehow made me realize I have some serious issues with women in general. I don't like the idea, but, I know it's the right thing to do so, I'm officially swearing off any kind of dating or physical intimacy for one year.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September 12th
Now that my favorite distraction is gone it will be easier for me to concentrate on doing what so desperately needs to get done. First work and then this condo. Different day, same shit it seems. I've been sitting with this project lingering over my head- well not so much sitting as working my butt off on other things. But in all reality, yes, I have fucked off a bit here and there when I should have had the diligence to stay home and work, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But, now it's time for Jack to be a dull boy.
You crept into me as if you were a breath of air
and enticed me in a way that made me shudder.
Now that I have somehow wronged you
I feel so alone.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mo's Quiz
It's short and sweet.
I'm nearing the end of a month long project and soon to start the completion of another I started in the begining of the year- my place. I've been living in a war zone for too long. I'm going to take a month off work and give it my all. During this time I will be able to get back to my book project as well, though that won't be complete until next year-or decade at the rate I'm going. I can't wait!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Midnight Ramblings
So, yeah, it's 1:35am and I can't sleep yet. I worked a 14 hour day and am drinking more than I probably should and I can't sleep. So what gives? For as much as I have had I should be at least drunk, but instead I'm mildly buzzed, like as in one drink buzzed. As I walk around my home, I feel at peace for the first time since I don't know when. My entire condo is totally under construction. Construction all day and all night for me. I go from one job sight that's slowly progressing to sleeping at one that is at almost a complete stand still. But, yet, somehow I am content now knowing it's going to be done soon. I've been saying that for some time, but now I'm so sick of it that I'm making it first priority, even over social life, even though I don't have much of one. Well, yeah, I've been drinking so, of course, we'll see how I feel tomorrow and the next day, but I think the wave has come in and I'm going to take it to shore. Just felt like sharing...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Fuck the World

Sure, with a title like that you must know this lad has a wee bit of angst in his little heart. I look around the world and see people dying everywhere. Greed has sucked up so many souls on so many levels that one can barely fathom the evil that has prevailed. Why can't people just play nice? I wish there were a power that would wipe out entire Governments in a blink of an eye that refused to lay down thier arms. Fighting to defend one's self is one thing, but fighting for "ideals" for "religious beliefs" to "defend our way of life" is just a load of crap. You listen to the People of the world, not thier governments, and you realize we are all alike. We all want the same basic things and have very similar basic core values, yet we allow our Governments to stand in the way of our unity and in the way of our greatest resource- eachother. Some days I'm so sickened by this I can barely stand to keep breathing.
On a lighter not
I went to a "show" with a Myspace friend the other day and took this picture of this gentleman who was enjoying the rather loud rock show. I think this is quite possibly the coolest cat in Chicago. Tonda, thanks for pointing him out and making me go and take his picture.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Damn Program sux!!
The Power has been out...
or should I say was out for almost12 hours. I finally cracked down and transported ALL of our frozen and refrigerated goods over to a friends house, as it was all beginning to melt and upon my return, I find that power is back on. The power company told me they were estimating that the power would be restored by 10PM!! What a kick in the ass and a pain in the ass too. Why the fuck are we not on individual fuel cells already? It's irony that yesterday morning I was just researching "pedal powered" generators and was beginning to plan building one in the next 6 months or so. I think I'm going to step that up to the next month. Anyone interested in learning how to build one or buying one let me know. These generators can easily power lights for the entire evening with just an hour of pedaling. You can directly power your television or computer and even directly power a chain saw, though someone else will have to do the cutting. Food for thought. Speaking of food, I have to go back and transport my food here now. Fun fun fun in the Oak Park Sun!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Watch Out For Falling Ice-Even in the Summer!
Read the following article:

Are falling ice balls a product of global warming?
Wednesday, December 10, 2003By Michael Woods, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

BARCELONA, Spain -- A Spanish-American scientific team will be scanning the United States this winter for what might be one of the weirdest byproducts of global warming: great balls of ice that fall from the sky.
The baffling phenomenon was first detected in Spain three years ago and has since been reported in a number of other countries, including the United States. So scientists now plan to monitor in a systematic way what they call "megacryometeors" -- or great balls of ice that fall from the sky.
"I'm not worried that a block of ice may fall on your head," said Dr. Jesus Martinez-Frias of the Center for Astrobiology in Madrid. "I'm worried that great blocks of ice are forming where they shouldn't exist."
Ice balls, which generally weigh 25 to 35 pounds but can be much bigger, have punched holes in the roofs of houses, smashed through car windshields, and whizzed right past people's heads.
Incidents like those may be just the beginning, according to Dr. David Travis, who chairs the department of geography and geology at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
"If megacryometeor formation is linked to global warming, as we suspect, then it is fair to assume that these events may increase in the future," Travis said.
Martinez-Frias pioneered research on megacryometeors in January 2000, after ice chunks weighing up to 6.6 pounds rained on Spain for 10 days.
At first, scientists thought the phenomenon was unique to Spain. During the past three years, however, they've accumulated strong evidence that megacryometeors are falling all around the globe.
More than 50 falls have been confirmed, and researchers believe that's a small fraction of the actual number, since others may hit unoccupied areas or melt before discovery.
Travis said most megacrymeteor falls occur in January, February and March.
Researchers were able to analyze ice samples from the 2000 incidents, thanks to witnesses who kept the material cold. Martinez's team quickly ruled out obvious explanations.
The ice balls, for instance, were not frozen water from toilets flushed on jetliners. The ice contained no human waste and none of the blue disinfectant used in airplane toilets. Air traffic control records showed that no planes flew over the areas near the ice falls, so the ice had not been shed from aircraft wings.
Chunks of debris from a comet? Again, lab tests showed that ice in megacryometeors had the distinctive chemical signature of ice in ordinary terrestrial hailstones.
Hail forms in the updrafts and downdrafts of thunderstorms. The updrafts carry droplets of super-cooled water, which freeze. More droplets hit the frozen particles as winds toss them around. The water freezes instantly and the hailstone grows, layer by layer.
Most hailstones weigh a fraction of an ounce, with 27 ounces the U. S. record.
Megacryometeors show the telltale onionskin layering seen in hailstones. They also contain dust particles and air pockets found in hail. But they are formed in cloudless skies, a notion that defies research on hail formation.
"Scientists are naturally reluctant to say something never can happen," said Charles Knight, a hail expert at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. "But oh, dear. I would be tempted to say 'never' on this."
Knight has reviewed scientific papers on megacryometeors, and thinks the explanation that cites unusual atmospheric conditions possibly linked to global warming, is probably wrong, although he doesn't have a better one.
Global warming involves higher temperatures on Earth's surface, but creates colder conditions in the stratosphere, the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, according to Travis.
He has linked megacryometeor events to unusual conditions in the "tropopause," the boundary between the troposphere (the lower atmosphere) and the stratosphere. Located 5 to 9 miles above the surface, the tropopause marks the limit of clouds and is important in the development of storms.
Global warming may be making the tropopause colder, moister and more turbulent, Travis said, creating conditions in which ice crystals grow like ordinary hailstones in thunderclouds.
(Michael Woods can be reached at or 1-202-662-7072.)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Yeah, so the French lost
and because of Zardane(sp?) they did so disgracefully. What a shame. The Italians played it better, so kudos to them. But, what an intense game over all! It made me wish I was over there to see it. I'm sure the Italians whooped it up nice in celebration.
Well, that's all for now and Happpy Birthday, L.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The French over the Italians in the World cup any day!
Will they win? I don't know, but I'm backing them all the way.
Yeah, I know. They didn't back us when we went to war with either Afghanistan or Iraq. But that was because they were both immorally wrong decisions. Allow me to explain before you lambast me for what I have just said. Afghanistan is a joke of a war. The administration (our administration) didn't even want to go to war with them in the first place. They did everything they could to pin the attacks on Iraq. The fact finders would not play ball and lie, so we had to go attack the terrorists and the country they came from. Wait, the country they came from was Saudi Arabia, with the exception of two of the highjackers. And further more Osama "Been-forgotten" was trained and financed by the U.S. for years when they were combating the Russians. Why then did we not go to Saudi Arabia? The Bush administration is great friends with all of the Binladen, so much so that during the no fly days imediately following 9/11/01, when our own congressmen couldn't fly, we flew all of the Binladens out of our country to the "safety" of thier own country(Saudi Arabia). Yes, we love the Saudis so much so that they are the only foreign embassy in the U.S. that is protected by our own secret service. Perhaps this is because the Saudi's have a 7% interest in the U.S. economy. And perhaps that is why we look the other way when 17 terrorists from thier country come and kill over 3000 of our countrymen. And, maybe that is why when our U.S. embassy in Saudi Arabia was attacked by Saudis we didn't take military action there, even though our Embassies are considered U.S. soil. Yes, that's right. It's our government's position that attacking our Embassies is equal to invading our country and rightfully so. But again, we continue to look the other way. We corner Osama in the facility that we helped plan and build and left a giant hole for him to slip through with his dialysis machine. Maybe this is because, as our president so eloquently put in one of the presidential debates against Kerry, W "don't think much about him(Osama)much". What a crock of SHIT!!! Anyway, France called it and they were right!
Iraq, now there we had to go and free a country from the opression of a madman named Sadam. Yeah, the same man we were going to kill in the first Gulf war. Yeah, that was a bullshit war as well. But now we are really going there to do the job, to root out terrorism, stop Sadam's nuclear program, help establish democracy and most importantly prop up our dollar. Our dollar is held up by the oil industry. We make everyone we can who deals in oil to use the dollar. The dollar has been so devalued that experts project the dollar to fail completely. When Sadam decided that he was going to get rid of the dollar and go to the Euro, this would have been a devestating blow to our dollar and ultimately our country, but it was his right and why would he want to support a currency that one day won't exist? But, yeah, the French knew this too. Do you know that when you go there you actually get quality news? Did you know that even when the French Government decided not to back us and our citizens decided to get even by not buying french wine, eating french foods and going to France for vacation, the majority of French felt that we are a brother country. I was told repeatedly while there that like a brother, sometimes they don't like to be told they are wrong and what to do and they get angry, but we are still brothers. If only we weren't the monkeys we are and refused to believe the our government's lies.
The Italian supported us, so we should support them right? Wrong! I don't support Yes Men, I support free thinkers who aren't afraid to tell the truth. So Viva la France! Thier people deserve it. They helped us gain our independance. Let us not forget ever that without them we would be under English rule. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French and has long been our symbol of freedom. Thier government imediately called after the 9/11 attacks and offered whatever support they could for our people. So, yes, again take the cup home France!
One last thing I should mention, getting back to the oil thing. Venezuela is arming themselves to the teeth because they are anticipating a U.S. led invasion. Our Government denies any such plans, though they are attempting to block the sale of these weapons to Venezuela. The Venezuelans too are getting tired of using a failing currency. How many people can we go to war with just to support our dollar?

Monday, June 26, 2006

18 Months of Supervision
Yes, that's the first half of my sentence. The second is a whopping $1,200 in fines that I don't have to pay untill my court date in 18 months. I also have to go to alcohol awareness classes and complete the course sometime between now and my court date. The date just so happens to be Christmas Eve of '07. I didn't even know they had court on that day. I guess this has been a real learning experience. So, the fat and skinny of this all is, if I'm a good boy between now and x-mas '07, I don't end up with this on my record at all. Further more, I have calculated the grand total of what this little mistake will cost me($4,000) and the amount of money I'm saving by not having a truck payment, gas expense and insurance payment to pay($14,400 over 18 months) and am amazed that this horrible thing I have done will save me over $10,000 in the course of the next 18 months. I never would have done the math or even started to think about ditching my vehicle, but since I was forced to, I see, I really can give the automotive industry, oil industry and the insurance companies all the one fingered salute with both hands high in the air. Sodding Vial Leaches!!!! You suck my blood no more!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Spring Fever- No, I mean I have a f-n fever and it happens to be spring.
I've been up all night painting and decided to take a short break to check mail and, yes, to blog, cuz I know you hang on every word I type-not. Anyway, it's 10am and I think I'm already planning a double header- meaning a second all nighter back to back. What do I have to lose, but my health. Sure it's self destructive in some messed up way, but it beats drinking vodka and Red Bull all night and crashing my truck because at least I'm being productive. So, this fever, I venture to guess, is going to go away as soon as I get some sleep or the outside temp hits 90. But enough of this boring drivel. You want entertainment? Check out SassyL's blog=
The last two posts are a hoot. Did I just type "hoot"? Yeah, I'm losing it. Back to work, SLAVE!!! Sorry, my authoritative personality is calling me back to work. Sophia's coming in tonight. I can't wait!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What? We're on STRIKE?



While walking the Magnificent Mile this morning I came across my fellow Union brothers from local 52 holding Strike signs. I asked when and was told as of Monday morning. Once upon a time having a job in the Union meant you had steady pay and good pay at that. Now it's good pay when there's work, but lately that's not too often. I don't know what knuckle heads in the hall decided to Strike and for that matter I don't know it wasn't the "right" thing to do. But the bottom line is that Unions are on the way out the door and a Strike during a period when there aren't many jobs available for Union workers in the Chicago area just seems plain stupid. The fuckers make roughly $45k+ a year for working 9 months. The other 3 months they collect unemployment and work side jobs. It's not a bad gig and they cry for more money? I'm in the Union and I have no sympathy for them. How can they expect anyone else to? That reminds me. I have to pay my dues.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Fun in the Sun, Tattoos and Verging on Anorexia

Oak St. Beach and the 'Cock


So yesterday was absolutely what the doc ordered- literally. I woke up and got on the scale and found I was a whopping 171.5 lbs/77.79K. I haven't weighed that little since I was a freshman or sophmore in Highschool. I have lost all fat and a fair amount of muscle mass to boot. So at the tail end of this crazy diet thing I'm doing and after a long work week I had a much needed day of R+R and it was terrific. We played paddle ball relentlessly and were actually some of the few to brave the cold pre-summer waters of Lake Chicago- After all who the hell said Michigan owned the damn thing!? Afterwhich I was completely exhausted. I have a new found respect for all those on "Survivor". I have been eating nothing but rice and water for seven days now. I didn't think that I would lose so much energy, especially while eating all the rice I can stuff into my body at each meal. But, yes, I can not stay awake for more than 12 hours at a time without feeling like a coke head comming off a weekend bender. -No, I don't know what that feels like, but it seemed to be a fitting analogy. I can't imagine what it must be like to be on a rice ration for weeks or months. But, if I were on that show, I tell you, I would capture and eat anything that moved on more or less than two legs. I have never liked rice without much seasoning and additional ingredients, but I actually learned to like it with just a touch of salt. After seven days I'm surprisingly not sick of it. But, I won't want it by itself for at least a couple weeks.

So, after my fun in the sun, I went to my appointment with my "Dr. Pain" AKA Katie at the Jade Dragon Tattoo parlor. No new tattoos. I just wanted her to touch my back up as there were a few "missing" spots, as red does fade and blotch in such a large area. Surprisingly, it was quick and yet more painful than I had anticipated. Thankfully not as bad as the first time though. I am now done with tattoos for at least another year and a half. That's the amount of time I decided that I would give myself before getting another, if I chose to do so. This tattoo was well thought about and I never will regret it, but it is an addiction and I want to make damn sure if I ever get another that I will think it out long and hard.

After the tat-touch up Jmi and I went out to see the new X-Men. It was rather entertaining, but hopefully this will be the last one they churn out. Hollywood came close to ruining it. They try to fit everything into these neat little packages that will produce the most amount of money instead of focusing on integrity. In any case I'd give the movie 3 out of 5 kudos.

Well it's late in the morning and I have a crap load to get accomplished today, so untill next time.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

90 degrees
Yes, it's going to be a scorcher today. More like a steamer. My sister says her AC is out. I guess we're going to find out if the others work or not today. It's a house day and it's about time. Any recreational time I've had has been at the sacrifice of chores or has come at a late enough hour that it wouldn't be "neighborly" to make the noise necesarry. All work and no play make Mo a dull boy.
So, yeah, we're going to do all the house hold chores AND patch, prime and paint the walls today- at least that is the plan.
I'm down but I'm looking up still.
That's all for now but, let me leave you with this joke I just heard. If you get offended easily you shouldn't be here anyway.
" So a priest, a rapist and a pedophile walk into the bar...and that was just the first guy"

Friday, May 12, 2006

Wow, a moment to breath?
So, what if it's only a few hours. I'm away from home without a thing to do, but sit at this computer. I have nothing around me to remind me of what I should or shouldn't be doing and it feels great. I find there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want to in a day. I even sacrifice sleep and ocasionally eating, and still can't find the time. I seem to have steady work coming in and it is a small relief, kind of like when a Gorilla carrying a small handbag sits on your chest and decides to put down the handbag. I know what you're thinking- "Why is the Gorilla carrying a f'n handbag?". Well, because maybe the Gorilla is going out shopping and needs a place to put it's money and id. Also because I said so. Would you rather I said a banana? The Gorilla wouldn't put down the banana. If it had picked one up it would probably eat the damn thing, well, that's what I'd do if I were a Gorilla. Speaking of Gorillas, I have to go feed the meter before some monkey puts a ticket on my car.

Friday, May 05, 2006

God bless good friends!
I can't go into details, but my hat is off to my friend Chris. He saved my ass today and did so through disgusting circumstances and with pressed timing. To you, Chris, I say thank you for dropping everything and going through what you did to help a friend. You know I'm there to return the favor.
It's Sophia's synchro. Regionals tomorrow. GO SOPHIA!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've been too busy to blog
I barely have time to check my mail these days. I've been working on completing this attic renovation. We are only two weeks behind and way over budget, but damn is it looking nice. I'm on the verge of kicking the owner out and moving in myself. I can't wait to be done so I can post the finished product. The middle of next week I should have the before and after photos up here. Well, time to make the donuts.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Over an hour and a half on the phone with T-Mobile
was how I started my morning. I guess I should have known it wasn't going to get much better. When I finally got to work, I set up for today's project and worked for 15 min untill my relatively new sander took a dump in my lap. I then proceeded to open up the thing to see if it could be fixed and broke the tip of my screw driver doing so. No, I did not use the screw driver in any other way than it was intended to be used. I could go on as to the rest of the work day, but I will just let it go with the final act of the work God- My printer, just now, too has crapped out on me. I'm ready to get all "Office Space" on the poor thing.


"Die Mother #$%#$*!!!"

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The World is Coming to an End..
but, I don't mind. I, for years have been plagued by the idea that the world will be destroyed within our life time or at least in our grandchildren's lifetime. Yeah, a bit out there, or is it? Consider global warming, viral threats, nuclear threats and the threat of an astroid/meteror tearing the world apart. There's many possible endings here. But let us consider the latter. We, or rather our solar system, goes through a cycle of getting nailed by these things every tens or hundreds of thousands of years. And when I'm talking "nailed by these things" I'm talkging about the giant fuckers, like the one that hit Saturn and left a crater the size of Earth a few years back. So, yeah, the cycle. Sientists say that we are like a hundred years off from the begining of this cycle, but how can they be that exact? They can't. (They only know of an approximate time line based on dating the craters of the Earth and the dating method is not that precise.) This is what they are told to tell us. The fact is that we have already begun to drift into the line of fire of the cataclysmic Earth destroyers and NASA knows it. I've always said that as soon as the government puts an unprecedented amount of money into space exploration, we're doomed. Guess what? It's happening. We are trying to live on Mars within the next 50yrs. Why Mars? Well, there are many reasons, but my theory is that it's a good staging point to deflect one of these projectiles. So hooray for us, there may be hope.
But, back to my point- I don't mind either way. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the human race go on and progress and evolve, but everything has it's end[our lives] which is exactly why I can no longer waist my time worrying about things that will never be in my control. On Easter I spent some time talking with my uncle and he said to me "Life is hell...I only see the world's problems..". This got me to thinking. I too see the world's problems and have allowed myself to be deeply perplexed by them. I realize that if I don't watch it I will one day share my uncle's view of this world. I can not allow this and therefore surrender to the fact that this world is doomed and take comfort in the fact that I will do my part in whatever small way to postpone the inevitable. If life hands you a lemon- make lemonade, but before you do, squeeze a little juice into a wound just to remind you it can ALWAYS get worse.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How stupid are today's consumers?
As I was opening my most recent package of ass wipes, AKA toilet paper, I noticed the following:



I was so happy they had this "Roll Size Guide" on the packaging. I was so confused before I had seen it. I was thinking that double was a little bit bigger than a single and a triple was a little larger than a double. But, as you can see, a "Double" is double a single and a "Triple" is triple the single.


Is the general population so stupid that they don't understand what "single, double and triple" mean? Do we not have enough people who watch Baseball, or get ice cream from sweet shoppes or can they not simply transfer that knowledge to toilet paper?


Now, if they come out with a "Quadruple" roll, will it be quadruple a single or double the double? They're going to have to get me another chart for that one.



I'm in the process of continuing the previous entry, but it's becoming a research project. I will post it when it's ready.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I Think I Understand Now
Here I sit listening to Black Eyed Peas- Monkey Business thinking- "Wouldn't it be nice to live inside 'My Humps'?" The answer is yes. Its so simple, has a good groove and just takes me away. Maybe this song annoys you and if so, think of another song that does this for you. My point is we all escape from time to time. It can be a healthy thing, but the problem is that way too many of us escape way too often. I sit guilty as charged myself. I was sitting around with Barb and Keith (my aunt and uncle),just yesterday, talking about how disconnected we have all become from one another due to technology. I have mulled what I have said over and now realize that I must expound upon this thought. The truth is that it has connected us to eachother just as much as it has disconnected us. The real problem is that it has disconnected us from the people who live in our most immediate community and connected us to people all over the place. We only have so much time and energy. There is only so many hours in the day. We can't possibly have the time to converse and exchange vital growth ideas with most of our neighbors for long lengths of time and check our two or three voice mails, e-mails, websites and so on and still get the daily chores done and the dinner on the table. As a result we connect to family and friends through virtual communities, but this weakens the strength of our local community to a degree. -Okay, this is going to have to be continued. Consider this part one. It's time to dye eggs. Happy Easter to you all!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Circus is in Town!!!
It's almost 72 degrees here. The wind is blowing and the dogs next door can't stay seperated. I woke up this morning and found the circus had come back to town and stuck around for quite a while. Is it just the weather or is it something in the air? It's incredible, whatever it is. I feel like a teenager hopped up on hormones.
The sun in shining and I'm stuck working. At least we get to open the windows and the spring has sprung.

All work and no play makes Mo a dull boy. All work and no play makes Mo a dull boy. All work and no play makes Mo a dull boy. All work and no play makes Mo a dull boy.

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Great Beer Barn in Chicago Heights
is all I saw that C-Heights has to offer. It was like a town waiting for big business to come through and take away all of it's problems. Boarded up windows, empty buildings and empty lots at every turn. Just wait, 10 yrs from now you won't be able to find any available property there. But moving on to why I was in the big C.H.

So that's the damage. Well, the majority of it. Part of the back window is smashed out and the bed is a bit twisted and bent from the drywal sliding.. The estimator said that he couldn't give me the final word but, he's leaning towards totalling the poor bitch out. If that happens, I will get to move down to a F-150 and cut my gas expense in half. I could end up saving money through this whole thing over the lifetime of the new truck. Of course, I still need to side step the DUI conviction and then we'll see about Allstate's "accident forgiveness" program. But, hell, like I said, with a little luck and a lot of effort, I could come out on top in the long run. Well, I'm off now to see Sophia's State Championships for Synchronized Swimming. All wish her good luck tomorrow. God, I miss my girl.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Stay tuned
I'm going to get to get the load of drywall off my truck today all the way out in Chicago Heights. Where the fuck do they get off calling themselves "Chicago Heights"? They might as well be in another state. Hell, Indiana is much closer. I think I'm more annoyed by the name than the drive. We're leaving in a few minutes and I will return with pictures so you all can see the damage as well. Well, I do have to say, I never came up with a name for my truck and I never broke it in properly. In other words- just under 9,000 miles and I never so much as made out with a girl in the thing. I guess that truck and I weren't a good pair. I don't even have a picture of me in it. That's a good sign. It will soon all be a lost memory.
BTW-I'm on now too. You can seach for me by entering Criscoluv or perhaps this link will work:

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tomorrow, at exactly 1:02:03am and again at 1:o2:03pm it will be: 01:02:03 04/05/06. I just received an email telling me so. It happens twice in one day? How significant can it really be then?

What's sexier than a girl with a gun?
Naked girls? Well how about naked girls with guns?! I just found my new favorite web site. Thank God for spam! I think I might even subscribe.
They don't just have girls with guns, they have girls with bazukas, tanks and gernades. They have girls firing fully automatic weapons in the nude. Ba-jong, ba-jong, ba-jong. It's the real Milk Shake.



I'm feeling sick today. I fell asleep with my shirt off last night and it got real cold in my room. I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. Well, at least I have Action Girls to get me through my day!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Not going into work today
Not because I'm being lazy or even in light of my current situation that has left me sans auto. Well, actually that's not entirely true. There are a few things that I have to take care of with respect to my most recent mistake, but I'm mainly staying home to finish the preparation for the renovations that we are doing to our condo. My sister has been a real trooper so far in cooperating without incident. This has made things much easier than I had originally anticipated. I can't wait to complete everything and move. This place has too much of my mother in it still. I think my sister too is anxious to move. I think it's realistic to expect to be done with everything by the end of next month, but, of course I'm trying to cut the time in half. We'll see. I will most certainly post before and after pics when all is done. Also, today I'm returning to my book project that I have put down for two weeks. I'm very happy with myself for this. It certainly isn't an easy thing to do, nor may it prove to be fruitful, but it's just one of many concepts that I have failed to see through untill now.
Just a few things that I should have added to yesterday's post:
1) I had no intention of driving home, but got too drunk to remember my intentions.
2) I'm really okay. I truely think I can turn this into a very positive thing with a little luck and alot of effort.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I could have killed someone last night.
But, thank God I didn't. I think I 've just hit an all time low in my life. No, I'm certain of it. I received a call last night from my recent ex that sent me into a downward spiral. Just after I seemingly convinced her that I was doing wonderful without her I proceeded to drink everything in sight at the bar...and then I drove. I spent the night on a cold slab of concrete- No joke. The outside air was just above 40 degrees when got out and it seemed warm. I did push ups for about 15 min just to warm up enough to fall asleep last night. But this is nothing- the least of my concerns. The money and time I will waist in this uphill battle that has begun is excruciatingly ovrwhelming to my mind at this moment. My thoughts turn towards the barrel of my gun, but don't worry, I will never allow myself to do such a thing, but in some way, I wish someone would do it for me.
I crashed my truck last night with a load of drywall on it. If I had hit a car I would have killed someone. In fact, I would have killed several people for sure. Instead I hit a large box truck with a 17 foot bed. No one was injured, thank God. I don't even remember hitting the thing. The first thing that I can recall is standing outside my truck looking at it and realizing that I had just caused all the damage that I was seeing. That truck was my baby. It was going to last me it's liftime. Perhaps it still will. That remains to be seen. I saw it this morning at the pound. Basically the front passenger side of everything under the hood is gone. The engine seems in tact and the frame seems unscathed, however the passenger door will not open. So, who knows. I will have to pay in the area of $1000 to the City of Chicago and the the pound fee just to get it out. Then, we'll see what insurance will cover, if anything. Yes, I'm fucked, to say the least.
You may wonder what 692 is on my hand. I have no idea except for the fact that when they booked me they wrote it on me. Perhaps it's like a club. All I have to do is show them the number on my hand and I can go back in. The service sucks and there was no food to be had. But if anyone wants to check it out sometime, let me know. I have VIP access now.

Friday, March 31, 2006

The Master of Procrastination
I think I have officially mastered the art of procrastination. Of course it's easy these days with so many things one can do on the computer and with so much entertainment out there to distract us from our daily chores and lives. It's now been an hour since I have risen from my slumber and I still have yet to do anything more productive than putting in my contact and sitting at this computer. I have this movie that is due back today and I have yet to watch it. Should I:
a) Just return it
b) Keep it an extra day and pay the late fee
c) Try to watch it tonight after work and then return it
d)Watch it now, return it and then go in late to work
e) Spend more time contemplating what I should do, get frustrated, decide I should sleep on it, take a nap only to wake to the brilliant idea that I should just copy the damn thing, run to the store to get a Burner, stop at Starbucks on the way, on the way back stop at Lucky Dogs, eat lunch, install the Burner,write a few emails, rub one off while I look at pics of girls in showers, copy the movie and call Chris(my biz partner) to say I might be a few minutes more because I have to stop along the way to work to bring back the movie.
I'm really leaning towards "e" right now.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

My sister brought home this girl the other day...
I've been eying this girl since Valentine's day. My sister had kept on asking when we were going to "share" her. I told her she had to be patient and wait for the right moment and that I just wasn't ready. I jokingly said it would be fun to post how we shared a girl on my family's web board. My sister thought it would be hilarious, but first she wanted a picture of herself licking this girls boots. You see, this was just an amazing moment to me, because my sister never lets me take pictures of her anyway, let alone one to be put up on the web. So here's a pic of our new girlfriend and a picture of my sister licking her boots.




I usually hate any kind of chocolate that's been molded into anything other than a bar, but this "Girlfriend" tasted good. In hind site I should have melted her down and poured her over some fresh strawberries. Mmm.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Eternal Donkey Search is Over
Last Wednesday, while loafing around the pool on a Carnival Cruise with some new and old friends and, of course, some Cold Beverages(-G-Love and the Special Sauce). Hank starts up with something or another about wanting to see a donkey in Mexico. Sassy L, shortly after, asks Hank for a drink. "Anything" she says. Hank returns in a few moments handing Sassy L the drink in a tall tropical yellow glass. "What is it?" inquires Sassy L. "A Donkey Punch" replies Hank. And so began the obssesion with the Donkey. Everything that day became about a Donkey and much to our dissmay, there were no Donkeys to be seen at our port in Mexico, but the desire lived on and so did the talk of Donkeys, so much so that for three fucking days after the cruise, while in Fort Lauderdal, there were three of us still looking for the fucking donkey! We were told that even the closest Zoo didn't have donkeys. No Donkeys at a zoo? What? Are they common every day house pets now? We no longer put donkeys in zoos? Is this because there is such a demand for them in the Porn industry? Apparently Donkeys are too busy getting blown, whipped and fucked to be part of some tourist attraction now. Well the short and skinny of it all is that it has stayed on my mind untill now. Hank this one is for you, my friend. I hope we can all sleep well tonight knowing the Donkey has been put to rest!
Hank Beaded up on a Donkey in Mexico

It's almost one in the morning and I can't sleep. I was dying of lethargy earlier and now I can't seem to go down for the count. WTF?!? I want to start doing all the shit around the house that I wasn't able to do earlier but, this is fucking condo living and I'm sure as hell going to end up keeping some poor bastard up, so I'm planted here.

I feel I'm starting a new chapter in my life. This is where everything is going to get very exciting and yet hard. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't put those two words in the same sentence. I'm excited because I'm finally persuing the ideas I've had and continue to have. I can't wait to see them fleshed out, but it's going to be a very difficult road. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitching about the hard work but, I am having a hard time staying as motivated as I would like to be. I don't know if it's because I'm just a lazy fuck or if it's because I'm pushing myself too hard with unrealistic expectations.
I feel I'm done licking my wounds and the waves of anger have subsided, but I still feel embarased for what a horrible mistake I made in judgement. "Won't get fooled again!" - The Who
Time to rub one off and call it a night.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

From 3-04-06 Diary entry-
Never Again

After two and a half hours of blissful pain, I ended up with a pretty nice tat. It already has changed my life. Redemption through suffering I guess. The physical pain has given the psycological pain an outlet and has thus left my body. Crazy how that works. I feel renewed strength and comfortability in myself. I am whole without another, when I thought I was forever to be ruined. I see now. I see what I have done, why I have done, how I became undone, what I should have done and what I must now do.